Dress Code Guidance

Dover Middle School Campus

School of Excellence

Dress Code Guidance

The purpose of this guidance is to provide information to our families about the dress code expectations during the regular school day. All students are expected to take pride in their appearance with dress and grooming that contribute to the health and safety of the individual, without disrupting the educational process. This guidance is in effect during each instructional day unless otherwise indicated by the district or school administrators. It is also in effect for all academic activities outside of the school day when students are representing the school.

School of Excellence

Required Top Options:

Students should wear dark-colored tops.  Students have the option of:


Royal Blue

Navy Blue

Required Bottom Options:

Students are able to wear jeans, dark blue pants, khaki pants, or black pants/jeans.

General Dress Code Guidelines

**Refer to Capital School District’s Student Success Guide for guidance on appropriate dress.**

Additional Guidelines:


  • The style of tops can be a t-shirt, sweatshirt, polo-style, blouse, or collared shirt.  Tops will be solid, non-transparent, and must cover the midriff, back, sides, chest, shoulders, and all undergarments.
  • Graphic tops are permitted.  However, the color of the top must be one of the required colors of the school.
  • Patterned tops (i.e. stripes, polka dots, plaid) are not permitted.
  • The style of pants, shorts, or skirts are permitted.  Shorts and skirts will fall to mid-thigh on front, back, and sides and will cover all undergarments.
  • Leggings, biker shorts, pajama pants are not permitted.
  • There are no restrictions on shoe colors.  

Dress Code Enforcement

All students are expected to abide by the School of Excellence dress code policy, including guidelines pertaining to appropriate dress outlined in Capital School District’s Student Success Guide.  Students who are in violation of the dress code will be referred to the administration for final decisions.  Students may be required to wear clothing provided by the school to complete the school day.  Students who do not comply with the dress code policy may have increasing levels of accountability in accordance with Capital School District’s Student Success Guide.  

1st Offense

Office Referral/Phone call to parent/guardian

2nd Offense

Administration or designee, student conference, and phone call to parent/guardian

3rd Offense/

Chronic Offenses

Administration, parent/guardian and student conference

Additional Information

There will be a school store on the campus that will provide top options for purchase.

No student will be denied attendance at school or otherwise denied an education for failing to wear clothing that complies with the dress code. Parents may request assistance from the principal or designee with obtaining tops or bottoms that are in line with the dress code. The identity of the family or child shall not be disclosed.

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